Sunday, March 25, 2012




DISCOURSE #1 3/15/12


Welcome to the Silverhawk magical mystery tour. My name is Michael Silverhawk and I am the return of the soul of John the Divine in a new life mission bringing forth book II of the Revelation. This constitutes “the rest” of the prophecy in my book titled: “The Drifter Trilogy.” It is a grand, detailed tour of the new edenic earth and mankind as downloaded to me by the Creator over an eighteen month period. It is crafted as an epic adventure story and I am truly sure it is unlike any you have ever read before. We and our planet become more glorified than one can currently comprehend. It is more wondrous than one can imagine, however, one does not have to imagine it. You can take the tour right now and be carried aloft on the wings of eagles and angels.

We now, at last, enter a world where there is no war, sickness or death. The are no insane. There are no predators nor parasites in any form. Our garden shall be restored to perfection as will, we ourselves. We soar beyond all the limitations of today and inherit the stars themselves. We ourselves become the ultimate technology. The three books, The Final testament, Genesis and Divine Triumph, are melded into one and offered for a token price that reflects our momentarily difficult times. However, times are now changing very quickly. So now all the new wonders are pouring forth and blessing us all. So now the challenge is, after touring the edenic Drifter World, how do we evolve from here to there? How do we make this quantum leap of evolution?

That my dear family is what I am coming forth to help with. From now until the 12/21/12 date, the dawn of the Galactic New Year, I will endeavor to offer a new discourse every day covering all the elements of this evolution. I am inveiling mysteries and empowering your very ascension. This would constitute 281 discourses, all posted on U-Tube and linked to my website. I also have a blog button on my website media page, whereby ones may comment and question and I will respond to the best of my abiltiy. I will be happy to be a guest on various media shows as well. I will share everything my Mystery School of Adam Ka Amon, has to offer.

So much is coming forth now. My associates and I are bringing forward an entirely new operating system for the new Golden Age, Galactic society now emerging. New, formerly suppressed technology, is emerging, some even from the stars. A world of freedom, prosperity and empowerment we hardly dared dream of, now materializes. The long dark age is ending to be sure. Oppression and suppression are vanishing like a morning mist and is replaced by a golden new dawn.

The truth is, we are all gods and goddesses, who have simply been dreaming that we were less. We have been hynotized by the ancient dragons, into their lies and illusions of limitation.

We are spiritual royalty designed by Mother/Father God to be agent stewards of creation. We, as such, are heirs to all the universe contains. All the spiritual powers demonstrated by Jesus and other masters down through time, all lie dormant within us awaiting to re-awaken. I now offer the true and original teachings for the re-awakening, unfettered by religion and theological dogma. As you read through the trilogy and peruse my website, you will find food for meditation and contemplation that is unending. I will aptly guide you into your own power and higher consciousness. My senior partner in this endeavor is none other that the mighty Sananda Himself helping from on high as my councel. When he was here before as the Essene master, Yeshua Ben Joseph, also known as Jesus, he declared that: “you marvel at my works, however, these and greater works you shall do. Do you not know you are Gods?” Now the time has arrived for this fulfillment as we sail and soar into the Golden Age together.

Our family from the stars will be arriving soon as well, right here upon the earth. However, we must “invite” them to land. They are not invaders. They are family and friends. We need not wait for official acknowledgement and invitation. We can affect this event ourselves if enough of us insist. What our star families have to offer in the way of help is truly beyond imagining. All hurts on our earth will be healed and set to right.

Yes, first contact is a life-changing and astounding event. Earth will never be the same again. We should thank God for that, you think? It hasn’t exactly been a picnic here has it? It is time to feed the children and come to love one another as family. It is time to be set free. It is time to restore the divine plan on earth. It is time to return to eden. The time is now. This is the “change” we were all hoping for. Well, so many of you were expecting something really big to happen this year, were you not? You shall not be disappointed. It is happening now.

Tomorrow I will have a tour of the life of John the Divine as taken from the akashic time-track record. At last everyone will know who that man was and how the Revelation book I came to be and how it became the end of the Christian bible. These mysteries shall now be unveiled for all to know. Know also that those dire prophecies have all been spiritually transmuted. The time-track has changed and grace and mercy given. Now at last, “the Golden Age dawns.”

Till tomorrow then, Nameste.

*Follow daily discourses at Go to media page